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The Transform the Family Justice System (TFJS) Collaborative is a multi-sectoral initiative, led by Access to Justice BC, to transform the family justice system by focusing on family well-being.

It seeks to address collaboratively the public health crisis of the immediate, long-term and intergenerational impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Many children in families with family justice issues are experiencing more than one ACE, and in many situations, the traditional adversarial court process escalates conflict and exacerbates the impacts of ACEs.

The work of the Collaborative is to align and coordinate complementary efforts, across and beyond the justice sector, directed at redesigning the family justice system so that children, youth and families are in the centre, and are part of the redesign process.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the Family Justice System

Many children in families with family justice issues are experiencing more than one ACE.

Why We Need to Transform the Family Justice System

BC’s Chief Justice speaks to Nancy Cameron QC, collaborative family law lawyer, mediator & educator.


The Transform the Family Justice System (TFJS) Collaborative is a multi-sectoral initiative led by Access to Justice BC, to transform the family justice system by focusing on family well-being.


Brain Science

Brain science helps us understand how children’s brains develop in a healthy way and how toxic stress can interfere with that development.


Support Us

The Transforming the Family Justice System Collaborative is more than an organization. We are part of a broader movement which is growing. We invite you to join us by first declaring your support.



Representative for Children and Youth calls for provincial government to address “urgent needs” of up to 83,000 young people with disabilities not receiving adequate services.

Read the report:


#A2JWeekBC - On Feb. 7 at 12:30pm, join us for #A2J and Fair Proceedings: The Fundamental Conflict Between an Inherently Complex Justice System and Self-Representation with Prof. Harris @AllardLaw -

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