About the Collaborative

The Transform the Family Justice System (TFJS) Collaborative is a multi-sectoral initiative led by Access to Justice BC, to transform the family justice system by focusing on family well-being.
How the Collaborative Came to Be
The seed for the Collaborative was planted in the fall of 2019, when the Leadership Group of Access to Justice BC learned about Adverse Childhood Experiences, reflected on their relevance to the family justice system, and committed to providing leadership to change the family justice system to focus it on the well-being of children and youth.
In December 2020, A2JBC’s Steering Committee accepted the recommendations of a working group report on an A2JBC family justice leadership strategy and committed to creating a cross-sectors collaborative to transform the family justice system in BC by focusing it on achieving family well-being.
After a year and a half of laying the foundations, the Collaborative was launched on June 7, 2022 at an event at which the Chief Justice of BC (and Chair of Access to Justice BC) and the Attorney General, among others, spoke to a large diverse gathering of supporters.
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